How To Monetize Your Content On TrueFanz?

TrueFanz LLC
6 min readDec 30, 2021


How To Monetize Your Content On TrueFanz?

Bill Gates once said, “the internet is becoming the town square for the global villages of tomorrow.” And as global villages evolve, we can’t reserve kingship and titles as controlling elites because bold influencers and persistent content creators are coming with a rekindled creativity that will forcefully bang the doors down to collect what is rightfully theirs.

Okay, pause it there!

Bill Gates only made mention of the internet becoming a town square for the global village of tomorrow -the rest of the story is just a snapshot of our current reality…

Influencers and content creators are pioneering the digital age-and they are doing it with overwhelming confidence that commands fierce loyalty and appreciation from their audiences.

These pioneers are running the show by providing brilliant ideas and deep-rooted strategies capable of reinventing the future. So, to an arguable extent, it’s safe to say that their calm and unbounded influence is the holy grail of true power in these pandemic times.

But when it comes to monetary gains, many of these content creators are lagging behind.

Many influencers and content creators lack both financial stability and predictability. So, to keep face, they tend to hide behind a mask -dwelling in a false notion that they are in it for the passion and not the money. But how true is that? Is money not an incentive for enduring one’s passions? Money is a necessity to empower one’s ideal lifestyle.

The goal should be to make a great living doing what you love to do best…‍

Introducing TrueFanz:‍

TrueFanz is an earning platform for influencers who want to monetize and earn from their influence robustly and flexibly. We help you make a living off your passion, streamline deeper connections with your audience, and turn your biggest supporters into connected members.

So, whether you are an educator, crypto guru, master baker, fashion designer, Instagram model, BMX biker, artist, slam poet, tech nerd, or an everyday content creator who desires consistent and predictable income doing what you love to do best -TrueFanz is for you. In this article you will get to know how content creators are making money on TrueFanz.

To take it a step further, let’s look at how you can monetize your content and earn more from our platform.

Membership Bundles:‍

We value membership plans because it takes away the lone ranger attitude and provides a sense of community.

Fans quickly build genuine connections with celebrities or creators that can maximize the power of membership plans to make them feel like active members rather than passive spectators.

So, to absolutely no one’s surprise, if you want to excel as a celebrity or influencer or win back the hearts of exhausted or uninspired fans, investing in a membership plan your followers can subscribe to is a must.

However, building sustainable membership plans is quite daunting. To save yourself the hassle, work with an influencer earning platform that espouses the ideals you hold dear.

At TrueFanz, we know that scarcity creates value. And since membership plans mean not everyone gets to partake, we focus on creating packages that help you make a powerful statement in a low-commitment culture.

TrueFanz’s earning platform for influencers provides robust membership packages -three, six, nine, and twelve months-guaranteeing that only fans who value the privilege of exclusive membership gain access.

Share Exclusive Paid Content:‍

Your supporters are everywhere. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok-you name it. So, it’s safe to say finding them is easy.

To the tough questions;

  • How do you monetize your content to these people?
  • Why would they desire exclusive paid content?
  • And how can TrueFanz help?

Well, the answers are in the ‘power of exclusivity.’

Exclusivity means shutting out the noise, trimming your audience, and giving your subscribers the best time of their life.

It’s about bringing your loyal fans in on the fun and exciting inclusive content for a specific fee and eschewing uninspiring generic content.

Fans flock around influencers who share exclusive paid content simply because it makes them feel privileged, appreciated, and valued.

And since more than two-thirds of your fans expect a personalized experience, sharing exclusive content doesn’t just keep the alerts coming; it turns true supporters into friends.

TrueFanz earning platform for influencers streamlines a monetization sequence for your exclusive content. Plus, it gives subscribers the freedom to build genuine connections while getting good returns for their funds.‍

Paid Live Event:‍

Before social media became a thing, organizing live events required thousands of dollars, months of planning, and weeks of sleepless nights.

Nowadays, countless individuals wouldn’t mind missing a night out with the boys if their favorite influencer feels a bit creative and decides to go live without any prior notice.

That’s to say, as an influencer with thousands-or maybe millions-of followers, you are pretty powerful. But the big question remains, how are you maximizing this rare privilege?

Are you still scouring the net trying to make a living from the pennies viewers donate during your live events? Or have you decided to ‘boss over your finance’ by monetizing your influence through paid live events?

If you are still adamant about settling for pennies, let go of this piece and do something else. Otherwise, it’s time to take your social media live-event game to the next level.

TrueFanz is amongst the few earning platforms for influencers that allow you to leverage fans’ increased screen time to your advantage.

Our paid live event feature helps you organize a live event with paid entries and enhance direct communication with loyal fans. All you need to do is provide life-enhancing content you know your fans would gladly loosen the purse strings for.

Vault Feature:‍

Turning fans into financiers has been a thing for donkey years-you don’t need to feel bad about it. Instead, leverage the opportunities pre-emptively.

Monetizing your content with the TrueFanz vault feature means you get to create and share a whole folder or series of inspirational/career-enhancing content while charging accordingly.

That means with our influencer earning platform, you can create subscriber-only clips, behind the scenes footage, tutorials, tips, or life hacks and lock them in a vault -limiting access to only fans willing to pay.

Best part: TrueFanz vault feature comes with a sneak preview option. Meaning every fan can take a peek, but only those willing to drop extra bucks for paywalled content gains full access.

Selling Content On Messaging:‍

You have an influencer or celebrity you hold in high esteem, right?

Imagine having direct access to this celebrity, up to the extent where you can pay for a personalized birthday shout-out without having to break the bank or bribe a ton of folks to get through the line.

And yes, it’s possible -not just for your favorite celebrity but also for you and your loyal fans.

TrueFanz content on messaging feature allows you to directly manage personalized messaging requests from your loyal fans at a predetermined fee.

Fans’ messaging requests are dynamic; it might be a request to tweet about a kid’s birthday party, create a congratulatory video for a loyal fan’s wedding ceremony, or simply like a post.

Regardless of the messaging request, know that TrueFanz earning platform for influencers can help streamline an efficient messaging sequence between you and your fans, monetize your content, and keep you making more, doing less.‍

In any case, now that you understand the many ways TrueFanz helps you monetize your influence and earn more by doing less, here is an overview of what registering with TrueFanz entails;

  • TrueFanz is 100% invite-only.
  • You can offer monthly subscriptions from as little as $1 to as much as $100.
  • We only take 20% with no hidden fees.
  • Referring someone to our platform grants you an incredible 5% of the referred creator’s fees in perpetuity forever.
  • You need a minimum of 5,000 followers to join our site.
  • You don’t have to wait until your earnings reach a certain threshold or timer to make a withdrawal.

In closing, feel free to ask any question or share your ideas below in the comment section! We will get back to every single one.

Are you ready to monetize your audience and get paid to post?

Click the link to apply for access now.

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TrueFanz LLC
TrueFanz LLC

Written by TrueFanz LLC is a platform that empowers content creators to get paid to post. Residual and predictable income allows content creators to focus on their work.

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